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Success Story Hoffmann


The Hoffmann group of companies
The Hoffmann Group, based in Neuburg an der Donau, consists of legally independent companies that are united under the management, advisory board and shareholders of the group: the mining company Hoffmann Mineral GmbH, SONAX GmbH, market leader for car care products in Germany and Austria, and the label printing company Duro Druck GmbH.


As part of their IT and digitalization strategy, the very different companies in the Hoffmann Group wanted a common IT platform. Data sovereignty and security were to be harmonized with great flexibility. Like other medium-sized companies, Hoffmann and SONAX were faced with the challenge of not being able to provide sufficient IT resources for the implementation of the digitalization projects in addition to their day-to-day IT business. This applies equally to the shortage of skilled labour, infrastructure, and expertise in specific areas of technology.


In noris network, the corporate group found a regional service provider with highly secure data centres that, as a colocation provider, offers space for the on-premises systems, but is also a PaaS provider for cloud systems. Managed services supplement the Hoffmann Group’s IT where its own technological or personnel resources are insufficient. The hosting of the CMS for the SONAX website and the use of noris cloud for the operation of a project portal for Hoffmann Mineral GmbH’s partners around the world marked the beginning.

Project success

noris network is a long-term strategic partner for the Hoffmann Group that responds quickly and flexibly to requirements. As a provider of colocation, Paas, IaaS and all hybrid forms, it supports a hybrid IT infrastructure and closes specific gaps with services. Managed security services such as firewall systems or DDoS mitigation protect the customer’s IT systems, of which the production-related and security-critical systems in particular should remain in the customer’s own data centre in the long term.

Hosting in a high-security data centre
Flexible use of the noris cloud
DDoS-Bekämpfung und weitere Managed Security Services
Conversion from pure on-premises operation to hybrid operation