Faster loading times
Faster loading times with lower latencies and higher data transfer rates accomplished by 50 world-wide distributed edge locations
A CDN is a global network of edge locations, each of which containing a multitude of edge nodes bundled in server farms. The edge locations are geographically distributed in the USA, Asia, South America and Australia and therefore nearby your potential online customers.
Static content such as HTML, image- and video-media, CSS and JavaScript files is stored on every edge location in so-called caches and therefor can be loaded with low latency and optimal performance. By storing static data in a cache you reduce the load on the origin server because it will only have to serve data when there is no copy available at the edge location.
DNS and GeoIP databases are responsible for determination of the CDN edge location nearest to the user. If the requested website objects are cached here, they are instantly delivered to the user.
On-the-fly Site Transformation supports a faster rendering of websites on the end device. For example, image files are automatically compressed by about 60 to 80% without a visible decrease in quality.
Mobile Site Acceleration optimizes both static and dynamic web content for end devices and browsers. As a result you achieve faster visualization of content leading to a considerably better user experience.
Selection of the geographically nearest edge location is realized through DNS by pointing your domain to a CNAME of the CDN. During the CNAME domain name resolution the end-user’s IP address is taken into account and the IP of the optimal edge location is determined. If a web file is not cached on an edge location it will be requested from the origin server via HTTP(S), cached and then delivered to the end-user’s browser. This automated process is also called CDN Origin Pull.
The duration files remain in cache can be managed by so-called Cache Controls within the header of the webpage. A web-based easy-to-use interface allows for a selective invalidation of cache content in order to force new file requests from the origin server. Using this method you can publish new content instantly without waiting for the files to expire from the cache after the set duration.
Requests for dynamic or interactive content (web forms, login fields etc.) are forwarded by the edge server to the origin server. To optimize latencies between the edge location of one region and the origin you can distribute your origin servers to our colocations in Singapore, Shanghai and Moscow, more specifically replicate your data to the particular server locations.
The goal of this technology is an improvement in user-experience by various optimizing methods. This is accomplished especially by a faster website rendering depending on the end device and browser. When a browser establishes a connection to a CDN node there are also optimizations applied on network level in order to improve the handling regarding packet loss and occurrence of congestion. Persistent connections and HTTP multiplexing are further methods to improve loading times.
These On-the-fly modules for device- and browser-specific optimization of web content operate in two phases. When initially requested the website is loaded from the origin server and transformed into a so-called Acceleration Template. This template is prepared in real-time for the particular browsers and end devices. Image objects are scaled according to the necessary resolution, formatted and specifically compressed by optimized algorithms (JPG for IE, WebP for Chrome).
Content can be transmitted via HTTPS with the use of your own domain name and SSL certificate. All common types of certificates such as Single Domain, Wildcard, SAN or Extended Validation are supported.
The On-Demand Streaming Platform supports Progressive Download as well as the Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). In contrast to Progressive Download, for streaming via RTMP, the video file has to be uploaded manually to an FTP staging server in the CDN. It will then be automatically distributed to various edge locations.
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